support usvolunteers support many of our activities at Farnham Maltings and the Museum of Farnham

We have a range of volunteering roles – everything from stewarding at our amazing events, gardening at the museum of farnham, supporting our marketing team or helping with administration.
We are extremely grateful for the time and expertise that volunteers bring to Farnham Maltings. Their support is of enormous value and we are always looking to expand our team of volunteers.
There are many ways to volunteer with us. Whatever your interests, it’s likely we’ll have something to suit you.
new volunteer role: Young Programmers
Programming for you, by you
Are you a young person who is interested in film and music? Then our Young Programmers (Sound and Screen) group could be for you! We welcome young people who are looking to share their passion for sound and screen in the local community, learn new skills and gain experience in creative projects and programming.
This programming collective is free to join and is aimed at 18–25-year-olds, providing members with a space to exhibit, network, create and socialise. We organise and host music and cinema events seasonally at Farnham Maltings six times a year. This pioneering group provides its members with industry opportunities, experience in programming and the opportunity to explore skills further.
If you’re interested in joining the group, please contact alice.morgan@farnhammaltings.com
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Why volunteer for us?
- Get involved in a pioneering arts organisation
- Learn new skills
- Gain valuable experience for your CV
- Meet new people in your community
- Improve your confidence and well-being
- Become part of a great team of volunteers
- Improve your well-being
- Receive complimentary tickets for events
- Opportunities to meet local artists and makers
- Join in with our volunteer social events
- Have fun!

I volunteer to give back for some of the pleasure I get from doing things at the Maltings. It is also fun to be able to steward at events which I enjoy especially for National Theatre screened plays and films. The main reason for volunteering was to give me a purpose in life.Marion Nicholson, Volunteer
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If you're keen to get involved, please send an email to our volunteering team.