Museum shop

Visit us

our shop offers a range of gifts and supports local makers and suppliers

A view through the window of the museum of farnham shop with products displayed on shelves and fairy lights

The museum shop aims to support small businesses, local artists and makers, providing them with shop front to sell their goods.

Our product range includes delicious local honey, beeswax candles, cards and notelets, and a selection of prints.

Our current makers are:

Little Green Bees - honey producer

Susie Lidstone - local artist

Jackie Kirk - local artist

Shirely Watson - local artist

We stock a range of publications relating to the history of Farnham, Georgian history, and themes of nature in the local area, as well as a variety of publications produced by the Farnham and District Museum Society.

We also have a range dedicated to children, including small souvenirs, activity books, and craft gifts.