singing for the mind
adultsregular singing sessions for people living with dementia and their carers

Mondays 1.30pm refreshments, singing hour 2pm-3pm
£5 per session (carer goes free)
Regular weekly singing sessions for people with dementia and their carers. Singing for the Mind involves a lively and light-hearted hour of singing with experienced singing leader Barbara Rayner. A chance to share memories and a love of songs of all styles from jazz and show-stoppers to gospel and folk. Supported by Right at Home GF.
Tickets can be purchased on the day from our Box Office, no advance booking required. We charge a booking fee of £1.50 for all transactions. If you would like to book a series of tickets for a term, or a few weeks, then only one booking fee applies. We encourage anyone attending regularly to consider this.
Information on why we charge booking fees can be read here.
Everyone is welcome.