Museum Sessions
Educationour education programme offers a range of engaging school workshop sessions
These sessions fit in with various aspects of the national curriculum for KS1 & KS2. All workshops can be tailor-made to suit your needs.
Our onsite sessions include Victorians, Anglo-Saxons, The Tudors, and Your Local History. Each workshop is run by an education facilitator, who will lead your class through a day of hands-on, interactive learning that pupils can take back to the classroom.
The teaching session time is three hours, with breaks and lunchbreak taking place in the Garden Gallery. Sessions held at the Museum typically begin at 10am and finish at 2pm. We are, however, able to adapt timings to suit individual school needs.
Please note that Museum sessions are only available on Wednesdays and Thursdays (there is, however, more flexibility with the Your Local History sessions).
See below for session details.
Sign off

To book a workshop or to simply to make an enquiry, please get in touch with Emily.