unravel: Introduction to Natural Dyeing

What's on

Ticket Information

If you would like to book a carers space or if you have any special requirements, please phone the box office on 01252 745444.

Dates & times

  • sold out
  • sold out

An introductory workshop for people curious about dyeing with plants and other natural materials.

Working in pairs you will dye mordanted mini skeins of superwash merino fingering. At the end of the session you will take home six 20g skeins which you will have dyed using variety of dye sources including fresh and dried plants and high quality natural dye extracts. The exact dyes will be decided nearer the time, but may include madder, weld, logwood, onion skins, Saxon Blue, tansy, dock leaves, walnut.

The key elements of the workshop include:

  • Overview of natural dyeing process
  • Safety considerations
  • Choosing and preparing yarn
  • Mordanting options
  • Creating colour from plants and extracts
  • Extending the colour range using modifiers, exhaust baths and over dyeing
  • Keeping dyeing records
  • Specific recipes for the dyes used on the workshop

There is no preparatory work required. The yarn will be mordanted before the workshop, so you can get stuck into the interesting parts of the process.

Suitable for any skill level.

Materials required:

  • Rubber gloves
  • Apron
  • Six plastic bags or small containers for damp skeins

All other materials are included.