thread: Understanding Dress Making Patterns

What's on
Sat 08 June, 12:30pm

Ticket Information

part of our our free talks programme for thread... a festival of textiles.

Dates & times

Join Clare Blackmore-Davies for a myth-busting talk through the dark art of deciphering dress making patterns.

Are you bewildered by pattern sizes, bamboozled by layouts and size lines, frustrated when the clothing you make just doesn't fit as you'd hoped? We've all been there.

The start of any successful dressmaking project is a properly prepared and sized pattern, get this right and the rest will fall into place. From decoding the back of the pattern packet; to measuring, sizing, preparing and refining the fit of your pattern properly; this talk has all you need to ensure you avoid frustrating results further down the line.

A must for beginners and experienced dress makers alike, this talk won't just help unlock the secrets of success when using commercial patterns, it will also help you understand and embrace this essential part of the process to ensure a perfect fit every time. Bring your notebook!