Miss Maker

craft tutor
Craft Tutor

Clare, AKA Miss Maker is a sewing ambassador, creator of things, encourager, totally NOT your traditional sewing teacher.

She's taken a roundabout journey to get there.... After graduating a biological sciences degree (while wearing an exquisite and eccentric me-made wardrobe throughout her uni years) her career has spanned the roles of microbiologist, analytical chemist, pensions advisor, performance management, project management and finally ICT procurement, roll out & training.

Then she had kids! When her eldest child was just 18 months old Miss Maker came about, through a combination of not wanting to drive off and leave him each morning and a very timely offer of voluntary redundancy.

With a City & Guilds Certificate in pattern cutting, Swimwear and Lingerie studied at UCL (with Esme no less!!) as well as being well versed in a wide range of sewing and dressmaking techniques she has almost 40 years of sewing experience and a healthy appreciation of the value of an unpicker. She loves the fact that as a teacher she is still learning every day!