Bin Rat

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A rat-astic and realistic look into refuse and recycling. Rummage through the rubble with Bin Rat and her friends from Squeaky Clean Street Cleaners to discover where all the junk goes!

Scrape scraps off the streets and find out what literally happens to litter in this fun, feral, family show.

Bin Rat is an outdoor interactive theatre and puppetry show that explores our relationship with our waste and where it goes, and asks the question: is tidiness really the answer?

With Last Baguette’s zany style, absurd humour and lots of disco dancing, this show asks you to think before you throw and questions what happens when humans and animals live together in close proximity.

more about the company

The Last Baguette makes entertaining, accessible and eccentric work for family audiences and uses live music, physical comedy, puppetry, visual storytelling and silliness to talk about important issues of our times. Find out more on their website.