Benchmarking Questionnaire
Creative Business ProgrammePlease complete and submit no later than Monday 25 September. This is very important so that your answers can inform the session on Business Visioning on Friday 6 October.

What is the purpose of this benchmarking exercise?
- For you to evaluate your creative business.
- For you and us to identify existing strengths and opportunities for development. What do you want and need from the CBP and how can we most usefully direct the resources available?
- For you and us to capture data at the outset in order to assess “success” at key stages throughout and at the end of the CBP.
The purpose of this exercise is NOT:
- to judge you against others on the CBP, or against your competitors.
Unless specifically stated, the answers should be for your creative business that you detailed on your application to the CBP (i.e. as distinct from other jobs/earnings you may have).
Please note: there are no right or wrong answers and all information is totally confidential. (We intend to share some of the data with some of the expert trainers/speakers and eventually with Waverley Borough Council, but all your answers will be anonymised.)
We are fully expecting that the answers to lots of these questions will be “no” or “not yet”.
Please reach out via email or come in to chat with us if you would like any guidance on completing the questionnaire. Remember you can pop in to work in the Creative Business Space from 8am – 8pm any day and if you’d like to talk to one of us in person, just get in touch to arrange a convenient time.
Sign off

If you have any further questions, please contact Nina.