Creative Business Programme
craftLet us help you build your creative practice into a thriving business

In September 2023 Farnham Maltings launched its first ever Creative Business Programme. Funded by Waverley Borough Council this is an exciting project to assist local artists and makers to grow their creative businesses.
Thirty creatives have been selected to take part and over the 18-month programme they will benefit from monthly talks and workshops from expert guest speakers, a career mentor, a creative peer-support network and open access to the Creative Business Space at the Maltings.
In addition, the Creative Business Programme is making some of the talks and workshops open to the public. These will be on topics that will interest a wide number of creatives at various stages in their business journey.
For more details of the talks follow the link below.
“Farnham Maltings’ Creative Business Programme looks amazing. Collaboration, sharing ideas and learning together is critical for artists and makers, and having the Creative Business Space at the centre of the Programme is a fantastic resource.”David Crump, Head of Business Incubation, Cockpit
"We are delighted to be able to support this project for the creative sector, supporting Farnham as a World Craft Town, and working with our partner Farnham Maltings, a prestigious and popular community arts hub in the area."Councillor Liz Townsend BEM, Waverley Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration and Economic Development

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If you have any further questions, please contact Nina.