Creative Business Programme Mentors
Creative Business ProgrammeThe CBP is fortunate to be supported by a group of mentors, who offer their time and knowledge in regular one-to-one meet-ups with their mentee. The mentors come from a variety of backgrounds including experienced artists, entrepreneurs, professionals from local museums and galleries and academics both from UCA and other institutions.
Ali Tomlin
Artist, Ali Tomlin CeramicsCaroline Molloy
Programme Director for Fine Art and Photography, UCADenise Jaques
Artist, Mosaic HappyHeather Thomas
Head of Learning and Engagement, The Lightbox, WokingJennie Kimberley-Bowen
Innovation Business Developer, UCAKas Williams
Mixed Media ArtistKia Cannons
Purpose Coach and Intuitive ArtistLoucia Manopoulou
Gallery Curator, UCAMark Brill
Senior Lecturer in Advertising and Branding, UCAPikke Kontio-Blunt
Visiting Lecturer at Bayes Business School, City University LondonPippa Hufton
Artist, Pippa Hufton Jewellery and Craft Town CoordinatorRobert Goldsmith
Artist, Selborne PotterySam Whistlecroft
Director, Beetle Juice Events and VYCS LtdSarah Jarvis
Head of Learning and Engagement, Watts GalleryTeresa Havaas
Senior Lecturer in Creative Business Management, UCA
The CBP Mentor programme was developed and is delivered with support from UCA.