talks, exhibition and participation
Join us in the Long Kiln Gallery to see our exhibition and enjoy our talks programme, visit the Undercroft and South West Kiln to take part in free participation.
free talks - Long Kiln Gallery

thread: Woman Grows Jeans - How listening to plants made British fashion history
10am with Justine Aldersey-Williams

thread: The History of Batik - Traditional & Contemporary
11am with Rosi Robinson

thread: Understanding Dress Making Patterns
12.30pm with Clare Blackmore-Davies

thread: Archipelago Woven Textiles
2pm with Doreen Gittens

thread: Wedding Dress Upcycling
3.15pm with Caroline Arthur
free participation - various locations

thread: Coaster Weaving
drop-in sessions, 9.30am-12.30pm
thread: Kumihimo
drop-in sessions, 1pm-5pm
thread: Young Quilters - An Introduction to Patchwork
drop-in sessions, all day.

thread: Sewing Guru's
drop-in sessions, all day.