Jack&Alice Crafts

Craft Tutor
Craft Tutor

Rebecca Bennett, founder of Jack&Alice Crafts, is passionate about inspiring and enthusing students with the desire to be creative.

Previously a secondary school Art and Design teacher for 13 years, she taught a wide range of different Fine Art, textiles and photography techniques. As the Head of Art and Design for several years, she has led and managed several art projects which are permanent features within the school grounds, one of these pieces contributed towards the International Schools Award.

With a degree in Fine Art Sculpture, she has exhibited work at the Royal West of England Academy in Bristol and The Royal Society of British Sculptors in London.

In 2020 Rebecca decided to step back from teaching full time to concentrate her role as being a mother and to pursue her art and craft business. Rebecca now focuses on teaching through her art workshops and developing Jack&Alice Crafts.