Press Release
Farnham Maltings (UK) and Orient Productions (EG) are delighted to announce £30,000 of investment in four new creative partnerships between Egyptian and British performing artists and companies to develop new performance works and imaginatively test new ways of collaborating without meeting in person as part of the New Conversations programme, supported by British Council and Arts Council England. The selected partnerships will also have the opportunity to have their work presented as part of Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival (D-CAF) and Arab Arts Focus in October 2022.
Download the press release in full below.
“We are delighted to have this opportunity to work with the Orient Productions team on encouraging dialogue between artists based in Egypt and the UK who are curious to make sense of the world and explore new ways of working together, because we know that we all benefit from understanding each other better. Our dearest hope is that these initial connections will flourish into long term collaborations, exciting new work, and common understandings.”Gavin Stride, Director, Farnham Maltings

Wet Sounds Brussels Dec 13 La Piscine des Marolles
Credit: Joel CahenView the BSL Interpreted press release below

New Conversations Egypt
uk-egypt creative partnership grants