News Story

From 28 to 29 October, 230 people generously donated over 850 warm, good quality, coats and jumpers at the Maltings to be passed on to partner organisations working with individuals and families in need; an initiative reignited in response to the cost-of-living crisis. A huge thank you to all those who donated, volunteered, and partnered with us.
“I was particularly moved by the people who came in and donated items they didn't really want to part with as they belonged to a family member they had recently lost”, shared Annette, who volunteered. She wanted to help after volunteering with the Foodbank and “hearing stories from some rough sleepers in the area about how cold it can get in the winter and I wanted to do something to help”.
Families and asylum seekers supported by Hart Foodbank and the Community Grub Hub have received items, and homeless, socially excluded and vulnerable adults in poverty supported by Transform, The Hope Hub and The Society of St. James.
Coats and jumpers have gone to children, families, the elderly and individuals supported by Home-Start Waverley, Hale Community Centre, Badshot Lea Village Infant School, St. Peter’s CofE Church, Caritas and Brightwells Gostrey. Home-Start Waverley said, “Being able to provide coats to our families is one less pressure they have to face this winter”.
The Hope Hub and Hart Foodbank both have clients choosing “between eating and heating”, whilst demand for clothing is increasing. The donations “make those choices a little easier”, and are “such a relief and help” (The Hope Hub)
Aldershot’s Community Grub Hub (CGH), an independent food, clothing and warm bank, typically welcomes about 150 visitors a week. Along with coats, Simon, the Manager, also collected crisp packet blankets. A year ago, the Maltings asked for empty crisp packets, partnering up with Hale Community Centre, Crisp Packet Project CIC, Waitrose and Bake Natter and Roll Farnham WI to make warm blankets from recycled packets for those who are homeless.
The makers enjoyed hearing about who the items would go to, and Simon delighted in learning about the process including how they “split, washed and even hung out to dry crisp packets on their washing lines much to the amusements of their families and neighbours”.
Jenny explains process, sharing how “the team of BNR ironed the edges… so the packets would “melt” together … Plastic from Waitrose that would initially have been used shrink wrapped goods received in the shop, would be placed in front and behind the blanket and then ironed on both sides. This ensures that the blankets are water-proof - Viola a survival blanket has been created.”
For more information on the project, read our initial crisp callout.
Both these initiatives form part of the Maltings commitment to its local community, contributing to quality of life, and being responsive to need.
Wrap Up Farnham is part of the Wrap Up family run by HandsOn London