News Story

In 2020, Farnham Maltings ran Wrap Up Farnham to make sure everyone who needed one had a warm coat that winter. The response was tremendous, accepting and distributing 748 coats, demonstrating what can be achieved when the community comes together. A volunteer shared, “what a worthy cause it was, and I’m so pleased many families, homeless and vulnerable people have been able to benefit”.
This October, we are bringing it back. In response to local need, particularly increased by the cost-of-living crisis and fuel price hike, we will be accepting donations of warm, good quality, coats and jumpers on Fri 28 and Sat 29 October at the Maltings, to then be distributed by partners to those in need.
The coats will go to families, those who are homeless, in refuge centres, elderly, recently discharged from hospital, or unemployed. Partners include Transform Housing & Support, Hale Community Centre, Brightwells Gostrey, Badshot Lea Village Infant School, The Society of St. James, The Community Grub Hut Aldershot, and Winchester Beacon.
“We are delighted to be part of the Wrap Up Farnham initiative to support our children and families and ensure that everyone is able to 'wrap up' and stay warm this winter. Our children access the outdoors in all weathers so a warm coat is really important to ensure they can access the full curriculum and can be warm travelling to and from school each day.”Gemma Ball, Headteacher, Badshot Lea Village Infant School
“We have a number of clients who the cost of living is hitting very hard, this wonderful incentive will provide some of these with warm clothing to help get them through the coming months.”Transform Housing
“We are a local charity housing single homeless males with varied complex issues, we rely solely on donations from the community to keep our clients warm this winter”Hannah Adams-Cox, Support Worker
To find out how and when to donate please click through to our donations page. Please note, volunteers will be checking the quality of the coats, and if they are not deemed in good enough condition then unfortunately, will not be able to take them, and will ask you to take it to a charity shop or clothes bank.
Wrap Up Farnham is part of the Wrap Up family and was inspired by the London model which is run by HandsOn London.