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Ahead of Quilters' Fabric Sale on Sun 25 April, we caught up with one of the stallholders Fabrics Galore to find out more about their business, the best bit of advice they've been given and what bargains people can expect to see at the sale.

Tell us about Fabrics Galore...
Fabrics Galore is a fabric shop from Battersea, which has been open since 1992. We stock fabrics for dressmaking, quilting and home furnishing, and our general ethos is to save good people from bad fabric. As well as our Battersea shop we have been doing shows across the country for many years, and in more recent times have a thriving website. So if you are looking for a great dressmaking viscose or the perfect fabric for a new set of cushions or anything in between I’d be fairly sure we can find you something.
How long have you been coming to Quilters' Fabric Sale?
To be honest I’d rather not say, because it has been quite some time! I started working the shows with my mother and she has been retired for quite a while now...
What fabrics are popular at the moment? Any particular prints/colours?
We have just got a really beautiful range of home furnishing ginghams in, and our dressmaking ginghams are always popular at this time of year.
What are your favourite fabric scissors?
I’m sure you can imagine I am particularly fussy about my scissors. Gingher are my preferred brand although they aren’t that easy to get hold of in the UK.
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What was the last book your read?
My wife bought me The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse for Christmas a few years ago and that is about all I can manage these days.
What is your team’s favourite song?
They are quite an eclectic gang but I think they’d all agree on anything by Prince.
What's the best bit of advice you have been given?
I started my retail career at John Lewis on Oxford Street and their philosophy at the time has stayed with me ever since. As a business you should always be offering Value, Assortment, Service and Honesty - how can you possibly go wrong with that?
Is there anything you haven’t been able to do in lockdown that you are looking forward to doing?
I barely mention it, but I am very into swimming. After all Chlorine is the breakfast of champions.
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Is there a pattern you would recommend to a beginner?
I’d have to take the advice from my team on this one, and it seems to be a resounding answer of anything by Tilly and the Buttons from them.
The best bargain fabric that people can look out for at Quilters' Fabric Sale?
You can’t possibly make me choose, we have so much it’s impossible to pick just one. But prices start at £4m which is amazing value for patchwork fabrics.
Fabrics Galore
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Quilters' Fabric Sale
Join us on Sun 25 April 2021