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In the new monthly 'meet the maker' series, we're showcasing some of the wonderful local artists and makers who sell their products in the maltings stores.
This month, we caught up with Vicky Walker the maker behind Mood Glass. Vicky creates unique stained glass pieces for the home and garden using traditional leaded light techniques. Handmade in Farnham and often set in reclaimed timber, Vicky's bright designs provide a mood-boosting antidote to long winter days.

What inspired you to set up Mood Glass?
I studied Art, Design & Textiles at UCA in the 90's and although I didn't go into an artistic career, I never stopped experimenting creatively with different mediums. My stained glass journey started when I completed a short course with the goal of designing and making glass panels for my front door. I fell in love with the whole process, and found the glass so inspiring - the perfect combination of texture and colour, it compelled me to keep creating.
After gifting some pieces to friends and family I was asked to make some commissions and Mood Glass grew from there. My pieces range from small to large and many are set into wood, which makes them accessible for people who don't have the space to have a traditional stained glass window in their house. I feel there is something deep and ethereal within us that is stirred when we witness the sun shining through stained glass; the colour is a therapy and can lift our mood.
Where do you find creative inspiration?
Inspiration comes from many places, different things I see, shapes, colour combinations, the natural world mostly - nature's curves. We live in square rooms, in square shaped houses, curves are an antidote to this and I feel remind us of the natural world. My work is fairly abstract so most designs are the product of hours of doodling in my sketch book, starting out with one idea that develops into something new and unexpected.
Describe your work in three words.
Colourful, curvy, uplifting.
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See Vicky's latest work by following her on Instagram.