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You might not be together with loved ones on Valentine’s Day this year. But you can still make a date to tune into love under lockdown. You are invited to experience a digital audio artwork for your ears only: a chorus of love songs transmitted directly to GPS co-ordinates of your choice in the UK.
On 14 February, Farnham Maltings’ associate company Action Hero, are bringing their international audio project Oh Europa directly to you, via the free Oh Europa app. Since 2018, they’ve been travelling in their van recording love songs, sung by ordinary people across Europe. It’s an archive of over 1000 songs in 46 different languages, sung by people aged 1 to 100.
You can listen to the songs on your daily exercise route, in your garden or even on your sofa via a location-specific audio hotspot which will broadcast voices singing with sentiments of love, heartbreak and longing. Your location, your choice!
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Oh Europa, Action Hero
Credit : Lukasz Michalak
Action Hero Oh Europa
Credit : Paul Blakemore
Oh Europa, Action Hero
Credit : Lukasz MichalakTo join in, visit Eventbrite to book your free ticket. Tickets become available to book on 01 February at 8am here. When you sign up, Action Hero will send you an email containing everything you need to know about joining in on Valentine’s Day. It’ll include a link to a form to fill in with instructions about how to register your location. Your personal audio hotspot will be activated to begin its broadcast on Valentine’s Day, and will beam love songs directly to you for one day only.
Beacons Of Love is accessible via apple or android mobile devices.
This Valentine’s Day, love will travel across the airwaves to provide solace, comfort and a beacon of hope in dark times