Paint a Sunflower Mandala in Watercolour

What's on
Sat 17 August, 10:00am

Dates & times

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The mandala for this workshop will be dedicated to the vibrant energy of summer and the sun. You will create a beautiful sunflower mandala, and focus on bringing in the energy of joy and happiness.

Mandalas are wonderful tools for understanding our inner beings and for finding peace and flow through mindful painting. You will go on an inner exploration and paint different symbols and shapes. Your mandala will be as unique as you are, you will learn how to trust your intuition and choose the colours and symbols that call you.

You will start the workshop with a 20 minutes guided meditation, followed by a painting session, and leave space at the end for sharing, connecting and any questions that might come up.

This is a great workshop for beginners as you will get to learn some really easy watercolour techniques.

All materials provided.