Georgian Living History Day: Nelson's Navy

What's on

Ticket Information

These sessions are a ticketed element of Georgian Living History Day. Visitors to this event are welcome to watch the Nelson’s Navy activities but only ticket holders will be able to take part in the activities.

Due to the weight of the cannon equipment, this activity is suitable for children 5 years and older. All activities will be under continuous supervision.

Dates & times

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See if you have what it takes to join Nelson’s navy!

Nelson's navy, AKA historical reenactors Deeds of Arms, are back to put you through your paces. Book a ticket to join their ranks and try:

  • Preparing and 'firing' a replica 18-pound naval cannon
  • Making a foam cutlass sword
  • Practicing your fighting skills with your new sword

more about deeds of arms

Deeds of Arms are a UK-based historical re-enactment group specialising in the Medieval Hundred Years War and naval warfare of the late 18th century and the Napoleonic War. Find out more on their website.