Collections Spotlight: Embroidery & Cross-Stitch

What's on
Sat 08 June, 1:30pm

Dates & times

  • free, no need to book

Join Linda Marsh, one of the museum’s volunteers and a needlework enthusiast, to delve into the history of embroidery and cross-stitch.

For centuries, needlework was considered an important part of a woman's identity. It was a key component in the education of young girls, who were taught to embroider by stitching samplers. Being able to produce beautiful needlework was not only a defining characteristic of a ‘genteel woman’, but also a way for women to contribute economically to their family.

Linda will be exploring these themes using objects in our collections, including Victorian school samplers and dresses from our costume collection.

This is a drop-in session, so feel free to pop into the museum at any time between 1.30pm & 3.30pm to take part in this session.

Part of the museum's Craft Event Programme which accompanies the current exhibition A History of Farnham Crafts.