No Strings Attached


our annual award for 18-25 year old theatre makers

Woman with long brown hair wearing a cardigan, clutching a sparkler between her hands

No Strings Attached is a programme of support to help young people make their first piece of professional theatre and explore a potential career within the arts. We want to hear the voices of young people in the South East of England who are excited by theatre and want to make something of their own.

It is our ambition that No Strings Attached can act as a stepping stone between doing theatre as an extra-curricular activity, a hobby, or as part of studies to exploring it as a future career.

The awards consist of:

  • Grants of up to £1000
  • Two training sessions with Farnham Maltings that provide a starter tool kit in key areas of self-producing, budgets and thinking about audiences
  • Two sessions of up to four hours with a paired industry mentor
  • A check-in session with Farnham Maltings at the end of the project

There are many ways recipients might use the funds and support:

  • Enabling you to dedicate time to writing a project
  • Spending time in a rehearsal room developing your ideas
  • Funding your time to shadow a professional
Current Cohort

The following six artists were selected from 34 applications in Spring 2024 and will receive support for one year.

For all the latest information about No Strings Attached, sign-up to our Advancing Artists newsletter. You can read about past recipients, here.